How God Brought Salvation in a Snowy Village

We reached our destination around noon. The snow started to fall and was covering the whole Himalayan village.

We dropped our trekking bags, ate a steaming meal and had some hot tea. We huddled up to pray and ask God what He had in store for that afternoon of ministry.

After a brief silence, each of us shared what we had heard.


There was a general consensus: God wanted to heal that day.

We set out, tramping through the deep snow underfoot. We decided upon a house and climbed a wooden ladder to reach its roof. 

We spent some time standing on the roof, getting to know the family and sharing the gospel. The snow continued to fall, soaking us as we prayed for all the family members to close out our visit. 

Darkness approached as we left the little house. 

Cold and wet, we stood in the street debating; should we visit another house or return to the warm fire waiting for us back at the guesthouse?


One more house.


With the decision made, we set off across the street and an old woman greeted and welcomed us in.

It was a small, one-room house, so only four of us entered. Inside, we learned the woman lived there with her husband who had was crippled by nerve dysfunction.

We were excited to see the healing God had spoken about.
For the next hour, we talked with them and prayed for the elderly man.


We prayed.

Nothing happened.

Upon not feeling a difference in his condition, the man at first refused our message of good news. Why would he accept what Christ did for him if he didn’t get healed?

“I am close to death,” he stated, thinking that it was too late for him anyway to start a relationship with Jesus.

His wife sat in the corner, smoking weed but listening.

We then asked them if they knew where they were going after death.

Something gripped their hearts. The man realised that he really didn’t know, and this Jesus was something he wanted.


We led him through a prayer to accept what Jesus did for him. He smiled as the joy of salvation filled his heart.

Not only that, his wife, seeing his joy, was also gripped to come into relationship with Jesus.

Joy filled that tiny, one-room house as she asked Jesus to come into her life—and this couple’s destiny changed forever.

His physical condition wasn’t healed—but their hearts had now experienced the love of Jesus for the first time.

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